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Geometry for cut shots
To find the contact point, imagine where the cue ball must hit the object ball, then superimpose the cue ball through the object ball. For the above spot shot, the cue ball goes through and hits approximately ½ the object ball.
Combination shot
Causing the cue ball to strike object ball #1 and then object ball #1 acts the role of a cue ball In pocketing object ball #2.
Kiss or Billiard shots
Kiss, carom or glance-where cue ball strikes one or more object balls and then the cue ball pockets an object ball. In this shot, the cue ball kisses off two object balls before pocketing 3rd object ball.
Kiss off Throw Shot
Push Shots
Speed Stroke Billiard
High left english, medium stroke--contact ½ of the 2-ball such that the 2-ball moves the 3-ball and hence, the 5-ball out of the path as the cue ball knocks the 1-ball in the side pocket after caroming off the 2-ball.
Stroke Shot 1 Arc
As illustrated, with low right english (follow-through at 5 O'clock) and a medium to ¾ stroke, thus changing the path of the cue ball--drawing the cue ball off the rail to pocket the hanger.
Trick 1 Timing Shot
Low left english, contact about ¼ of the 1-ball on the right, medium-hard stroke--balls will be pocketed as illustrated.
Trick 2 Stroke Shot
Low english, hard stroke--contacting the targeted object ball almost full (a little to the right) thus pocketing all four balls. The ball to be pocketed in the far corner should be lined up with respect to the dotted line. Upon contact, it will be thrown back into line.
Trick 3 3-cushion Shot
By imparting high right english on the cue ball and contacting the first object ball ½ on the left with a firm stroke, the cue ball will contact 3 cushions as illustrated and make the green object ball.
Trick 4 Push or Bank Shot
The cue ball is frozen to the object ball and the object ball is frozen to the rail. This shot can be made in the adjacent corner or banked cross-corner.
Trick 5 & 6 Double Dribble Shots
Top english, full contact on the object ball (object ball takes the path of the dotted line and is banked across corners), the cue ball takes the path of the solid line, hits the rail 2 or 3 times before pocketing the other object ball. Follow through at 12 O'clock with a very hard stroke.
Hit the green ball head on with a very hard level stroke with top english on the cue ball such that the cue ball hits the end rail 2 or 3 times before making the 9-ball. The green ball travels around the table 4 rails and made in the same pocket as the 9-ball.
Trick 7 & 8 Rack Shots
Shoot cue ball into rack with low english such that 4 balls fall into one side pocket while the cue ball draws back from the rack to pocket the black ball in the other side pocket. Medium stroke
Hit the targeted object ball with no english; medium to hard stroke such that the black ball will bank from the side cushion, go across table, contact the rack, jump up and over the green and blue object balls into the pocket
Trick 9 8-ball in the side
Timing shot such that every ball on the table is rearranged. The balls along the rail are moved out of the way just in time allowing the 8-ball to roll down the rail unimpeded and kisses off one or both balls into the side pocket. No english, hard stroke.
The story behind this shot: The first time I met or saw Weenie Beenie in person was in a club in Charlestown, West Virginia ('64' or '65'). I said, "Let's play, I know who you are." He bet me $300 I did not know his real name (& had to spell it correctly). I took the bet and spelled it correctly (Bill Staton) but he stiffed me saying, "You don't expect me to pay on a bet like that do you?" The money was not up so he talked me out of it and dismissed his obligation. I've never done that! Then he set up a trick shot that looked impossible to me (8-ball in the side). I had to give him 3 to 1 odds though and this time we put up the money. He shot a ball that was lined up and moved the balls blocking the path of the 8-ball thus unimpeded, kissing off a ball into the side pocket. He took my $300 but still would not play any pool. I played him later on in the late 60s one pocket on a bar table, winner breaks. He won the toss for the break and I soon saw that the balls rolled off toward his pocket. That was a big advantage for him so I just thought, "Wait until I get the break." He won the first 7 games before he lost one, then quit before I had a chance to break (strike 2, not much heart).
Trick 9a "Miller Lite" Shot
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