The best cue I've ever had, is definitely a Tad; I have one still
& always
will. Rod's is of Bird's Eye Maple & the first Tad (series) made.
Rod Curry for any questions or feedback regarding this site.
Edited: 09-21-13 03:42
Rod's style of play is different from any other pool players known. Where they shoot from the elbow hinge, he shot from his shoulder (pump handle stroke). His shoulder is stronger than anyone's elbow but also twice as far from the implement (pool cue) such that it takes longer to get in stroke. But when Rod was in stroke, he had the biggest stroke in the world. His follow-through was up to 4 feet such that the Irish Linen wrap skinned his thumb knuckle on his bridge hand. When he played for a living (1964-1983) & beat all those champions, Rod also had a slip stroke, thus a bigger arc. But after playing less & less, he could no longer use his slip stroke effectively. When you don't use it, you lose it. Shortly after he retired from professional competition in 1983, Rod ran 19 racks of 6-ball at the Utah State Fair in Salt Lake City & won all of their biggest prizes for family/in-laws. Rod won for 34 straight years (1964-1997) on a bar table, the last 14 years of which, he finished 1st or 2nd in 35 straight tournaments while working a full-time desk job & only playing once or twice per week.